Writing as an Art Form

writingart DALLE - llamas staring at macchu pichu in the style of starry night

Writing is an art form. It can be short. It can be long. It can be written in ways that are more poetic. Or terse. It can provide a point, a call to action. Or simply tell a story

This style of writing comes from Gary Provost from 100 Ways to Improve your Writing. He said this:

  • Write with a combination of short, medium, and long sentences. Create a sound that pleases the reader’s ear. Don’t just write words. Write music.

This quote has me thinking about my own writing style. How I put words on a page. How I go back, and edit those words. How I then put pictures to add breathing space to the writing.

It's changed a lot over the years. As I've developed a stronger sense of self. And experienced new things.

I have developed some sense of what my writing style is. To me, it is poetic public journaling. It is many parts of my ideals, coming onto a piece of paper

There are though some core rules I've developed for myself. This is to provide a framework. To which I can write more fluidly, more easily, to transfer those thoughts on paper

writingart2 DALLE - the calm before the storm, digital

Here are those rules:

Everything starts by capturing an adhoc sense of notes on paper. Through private journaling. These are ideas that are half-baked, and the best ones rise to the top, over time.

Then a title pops in my head conjoining related ideas. And my brain stitches it together.

When it comes to laying down words on a page. I start with a central common point that is understood. It could be a book I read. A quote online. Some form of inspiration that comes in the fleeting moment, when I stare at the blank white page on the screen.

These paragraphs are simply just streams of concious thoughts. Every few sentences, I swap hats. Between writing and editorial modes. Sometimes between first and third person. The only order is what sounds good to my ear, when I read it aloud. Like music.

It is still a work in progress. Writing to me is like riding a bike. I still fall over a lot. There is an old proverb though, in which practice makes perfect.

And when that perfection is there, I can just reproduce it again at anytime.

This ideology of writing as an art form, is not just limited here. It is everywhere. It is how I code. It is how I do branding. It is how I build and manufacture physical products.

It provides a [sense of self] (https://www.vincentntang.com/maintaining-a-sense-of-self/) for me

Anyone can be their own form of inspiration. It's simply a matter of capturing the state, the style, in whatever form you want to emulate again. Or improve upon

Hi 👋

I'm Vincent Tang, creative writer specialized in product delivery. Currently I write software, operational leadership articles, psychology essays, and build logs of my own creations. Formerly, I am a material scientist, kitchen designer, and the founder of Tampa Devs. I learn without boundaries
